巴中龙泉外国语学校赋 | ||
作者: 来源: 日期:2022/2/21 9:31:47 人气:77 | ||
钟灵毓秀,地接终南,三巴①之中,盆地北缘。后依望王山②兀兀立天地,前瞻凌云塔③巍巍矗云端。左邻佛龛禅寺④,右仰革命先贤⑤。张思训⑥天文楷模,晏阳初⑦教化标杆。巴山夜雨⑧滋香毫,李杜⑨诗墨润文翰。巍峨高山蓄睿气,智慧灵泉育俊彦。纵目阅览巴城,骋怀翱翔蓝天。凤凰栖降梧桐,祥龙腾跃灵渊。比拼技艺绿茵场,舞弄文墨夫子园。冶性竹涛松风,怡情雾霭流岚。紫薇樱花披锦绣,丹桂银杏织彩帘。园圃四季绿意浓,学苑三更不夜天。名人大道溢芳雅,英才广场春满园。 In the northeast part of Sichuan Basin there is a place named Bazhong,where the center of ancient Ba Guo State as well as the second Chinese Revolutionary Base during the Civil War of China was. And Bazhong Longquan Foreign Languages School,a private boarding school, situatedhere,was set up in 2002. High in the frontlies the Lingyun Pagoda,an ancient budduist pagoda , and the Wangwang Mountain Park at the back, and the Beikan Budduist Temple on the left and the Nankan Forest of Steles on the right, on which carvedthe portraitsand stories of the Chinese Red Army in the First Civil War of China. Standing on the buildings of the school, you can have a good view ofBazhong City. Zhang Si Xun, a great astronomerin the East Han Dynasty,andYen Yang Chu, a world-known educator,were bothborn here. Also many ancient great poets, like Li Bai and Du Pu ,used to stayhere and leftfamous poemsin Bazhong. In the campus of the school grow all kinds of flowers and green trees ,which send outdelicate fragrance all year round. Students can read,play tricks and take a rest under trees and flower gardens, and have sports happily on the playground. At the Entrance spreads a Broad way to the Center Square called the Ming Ren Way, onboth sides of which aremany statues of world- known persons like Newton, Einstein , Madame Curie and so on,who are encouraging the teachers and students to work hard,and there are also some example students graduated from here. After a long-time thinking, Mr Li Yong-fu , a well-known English teacher ,gave up his teaching in thepublic schoolin the spring of 2002, and started to set up this school with another 40 teachershaving common ideas,his co-operatorsalso from the local public schools .Without so much money to support,they had to go all out and used up all they had and borrowed money from friends in society to build up the school. Mr Li and his team defined their guiding education ideology as“Focus on moral education and students’development in future career”, and with the development of the education cause , the team spirits as “Work hard, learn to share, be broad-minded and be best”are beginning to form which are regarded as the soul of the whole team. After 18 years of hard work , Bazhong Longquan Foreign Languages School has become a first-class private school which has over 4300 students with about 80 classes and almost 400 staff-members altogether nowadays.Many Students have entered famous universities in and out of China,like Beijing University, QinghuaUniversity,FudanUniversity,GeorgeWashingtonUniveris-ity,and so on after graduation from here.She has been praised by the government authorities and whole society. 注释: ①三巴:巴郡、巴东、巴西也,古巴国,谓之三巴。 ②望王山:据传,唐太子李贤贬谪巴州,登此山而望长安,故得名。 ③凌云塔:凌云山一白塔,建于唐代,现有张思训、董修武雕像及晏阳初纪念馆,与龙泉外国语学校遥遥相望。 ④佛龛禅寺:北龛寺,后有北龛摩岩造像。 ⑤革命先贤:红军将帅碑林。这里,嵌碑2288块,刻红军英名8.5万人。 ⑥张思训:北宋著名天文学家,巴中人,发明太平浑仪。 ⑦晏阳初:巴中人,世界平民教育家,是与爱因斯坦齐名的世界十大伟人。 ⑧巴山夜雨:唐代诗人李商隐描写巴中诗句“君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”。 ⑨李杜:唐代诗人李白、杜甫。他们都曾在巴中留下诗篇。 ⑩董校分离:2015年,学校实行董校分离,任命执行校长团队管理学校。 ⑪三个建设:管理团队建设、教师队伍建设、特色品牌建设。 ⑫三个中心:以年级组为中心、以班主任为中心、以备课组为中心。 ⑬三个特色:分层教育、英语教学、艺体教育。 ⑭三个转变:由注入式、填鸭式向启发式、互动式转变;由知识传授的碎片化向模块化转变;由满堂灌、散养型向限时限目标的任务型转变,大力培育有效课堂,教师由经验型逐步转向研究型、智慧型,主动适应国家高中新程要求。⑮京师:2014年至2016年,携手北京师范大学,进行深度教研合作。 ⑯模块教学:由特级教师、国培专家易仁荣带领全校英语教师实施的以七大课型为主的知识板块英语模块教学法,各学科深入推进模块教学法,力求在教学中实施三个转变。 ⑰课时训练:学校取消传统的练习册,各学科教师根据学生实际自主编写《课时训练》,使学生有针对性地即时训练。 ⑱跨文化交流折桂:学生参加由外交部组织的全国跨文化交流大赛,王资奋夺得全国冠军,罗文沛夺得四川省第一名。 ⑲主持人大赛夺冠:学生赵紫羽,在全国第二届中央人民广播电台、中央电视台主办的“听FM杯挑战新主播主持人大赛”中荣获全国冠军。 ⑳世界名校发喜函:学生彭瑀瑄被选中作为中国学生代表赴美国耶鲁大学参加世界中学生模拟联合国大会,10所世界著名大学向她发出邀请,她选择了美国乔治.华盛顿大学就读。 |